In my last Blog article I suggested that now, thanks to Coronavirus and the impact it is having on tourism, has made now the best time to take a Harley Ride trip down the Great Ocean Road.
Right now, bookings for Harley Rides have all ceased as Australia goes into Stage 3 lockdown. To prove my theory, I and two friends ventured out on a ride down the Great Ocean Road two weekends ago. Unsurprisingly, my theory proved correct.
Just a few months ago, the Great Ocean Road was cluttered with tourist buses and traffic. But now things have changed. All those buses have gone (for now) and surprisingly, motorcycles appear to almost outnumbering cars.
Nothing ruins a great ride like getting stuck behind slow moving traffic. The speed limit on the Great Ocean Road is 80 kph, which is an enjoyable speed on this winding stretch of road and clings to the edge to the Southern Ocean. One moment we are at sea level. The next we are several hundred feet up riding along the edge of a cliff from where the view is - just stunning!
Weather and time of year make very little difference to the experience. The colour of the ocean changes with the seasons and prevailing weather - each serving up a myriad of variety which makes each ride uniquely different.
How long will this last? This is a once in a century opportunity (that's the 21st Century). When the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, tourists will return. In 2021, the buses and crowds at the 12 Apostles will return. The Great Ocean Road will still be a great ride, but nothing near as good as it will be for the months to come.
My advice to anyone considering placing a Great Ocean Road Tour on their bucket list is to get it out of the way sooner than later. Riding with us as a passenger on a Harley Davidson is the best way to go. You can book with us and lock a tour in for later this year. Or call John on 0419359628 and he will not only be excited to hear from you, but also give you all the advice you need to know.